◾ Classics MA graduate from the University of Edinburgh, passionate about the arts and the humanities with a Masters from King's College London.
◾ Nominee for Best Results in the 2020 MyTutor Awards I was very fortunate to have been taught in Edinburgh by fantastic professors and want to share this knowledge and inspiration with others. I have taught pupils since 2016 and over the past 6 years have delivered over 4,000 classes, seeing my pupils' hard work earn them a place at the universities of their choice.
Academic awards & achievements
◾ Margaret Stobie Keith Prize in Classics (June 2019, The University of Edinburgh): for work of distinction in Ancient Philosophy or Ancient Religion which was awarded 90% score in the academic coursework section;
◾ W. R. Hardie Memorial Prize in Classics (June 2018, The University of Edinburgh): two prizes are awarded annually for the 'best English essay on a prescribed subject'.
◾ Undergraduate Awards 2018: Highly Commended Award in the Literature Category (August 2018, UA): for my paper 'Love, Lies and Writing to Delight: Narrative reliability in the fictional world of the Second Sophistic'.